Roof inspections are typically done by contractors to assess the current condition of your roof and uncover other potential issues in your home that may affect the installation of the new roof. These inspections are done thoroughly, and they cover the interior and exterior areas as well as any attic or storage space.

With the results of a roof inspection, experts can create a plan for your roof replacement project. Make sure to work closely with your contractor during this phase of the project so that you’ll have a good understanding of the entire process. This will also help you maintain realistic expectations throughout the project.
But apart from the preparations being done by your roofing contractor, you should also do some of your own preparations to protect your home and valuables while work is ongoing. STARR Roofing & Gutters shares the most important things that you should do to prepare your home for roof replacement.
Prepare for Noise, Debris and Dust
Noise, debris and dust are part of any construction project, so you can’t completely avoid them. Nevertheless, there are ways to work around these inconveniences or minimize their impact on your daily activities.
For instance, you might want to make plans to be away from your home during your contractor’s working hours or even during the days when they will be working on your roof. This way, you can avoid the noise from all the hammering and banging. Also, if someone in your household has asthma or allergies, it would be best for them to stay out of their home while work is ongoing so as to avoid being exposed to dust.
Cover Items in Your Attic
It’s possible for shingles, nails and other debris to fall into your attic. These things can further get into your insulation or any stored items you have in storage. Before the roofers arrive, make sure to cover your valuables to prevent damage and to keep them clean.
Check Electrical Wiring
Sometimes electrical wires are hidden in plain view from your living spaces or attic areas, and they are only found after the removal of an old roof. These wires are a fire hazard because the workers might unknowingly penetrate the wire’s insulation and trigger a short circuit. That’s why it’s really important to have a professional inspect your home before any work is done. Ask them about such electrical wiring issues so that you’ll know the risks and possible solutions.
Protect Your Home’s Interior
Vibrations can be felt inside your home, as the workers remove the old roof, move materials around and perform various tasks. So if you have loose or fragile items hanging on your walls or placed on shelves, make sure to remove these objects before the roofing work starts. Furthermore, if you have chandeliers, ceiling fans or other items mounted to your ceiling that can possibly break or crack, take them down.
Protect Your Home’s Exterior
Residential roofing experts typically advise their clients to cover external parts of their home like windows and sliding doors as well as any equipment that they may have outside such as heating and cooling units. This is to prevent or minimize damage to such things. You should also remind your contractor to use attachments that would prevent ladders from resting directly on your gutters. Without such attachments, your gutters could suffer from dents and scratches.
Make Sure You Have Quality Underlayment
The layers underneath your shingles are critical components of your roof system. So make sure to choose a synthetic underlayment made with superior quality. The underlayment plays an important role of protecting your home against water damage, and it can also help extend the life of your roofing.
Consider What’s on Your Roof
Don’t forget about objects or equipment installed on your roof. For example, if you have a satellite dish on your roof, consult your satellite provider. You can ask them to relocate the satellite to the siding of your home and then recalibrate so that you can continue enjoying your shows. If you are no longer using your satellite dish, you can have your roofer remove and discard it.
Turn Off Your Watering Systems and Hold Off on Your Landscaping
Any good and reliable roofing crew will take all necessary precautions to avoid damaging your landscaping. However, there are also a few things that you should keep in mind regarding your lawn so that the workers won’t damage it. For instance, you should avoid watering your lawn and turn off any sprinklers at least a day before the roof installation. It would also be great if you could mow your lawn close to the start of the installation. This will make it easier for the installers to clean up debris and materials that could fall on the grass. Consider pruning any surrounding trees too. Overgrown trees can make the installation more complicated and even dangerous. Plus, they can cause your roof to wear out faster and become more prone to damage.
Inform Your Neighbors
Make sure to let your neighbors know about your roofing project, especially if your homes are close to each other. By notifying them before the job starts, they can make their own preparations and ensure their property is protected.
Ensure Easy Access to Your Home
Park your vehicles away from the worksite to prevent damage, and keep one side of your driveway clear so that old roofing materials can be collected easily. It’s also best to provide the workers access to all areas of your yard. This will enable them to properly clean up at the end of the day. Unlock your gates, and if you have pets, make sure they are secure.
STARR Roofing & Gutters is a local company dedicated to providing top-notch residential and commercial roofing services. We are experienced in various roofing jobs, so you can count on us to handle your project professionally. We can also work with different types of roof systems including metal roofing. Call us at (512) 736-6539 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate.