When you call your local contractor to inspect your residential roofing system, you’ll need to be prepared to respond to any questions they may have. After all, they have to understand the structure more so they can find the right solution for issues they may uncover during the inspection.

One question they’ll most likely ask you is the exact date as to when your roof was installed or replaced. They may even frame it like this: “How old is your roof?” Knowing the answer to this question is crucial for both you and your contractor. STARR Roofing & Gutters shares why.
Why Your Roofer Has to Know Your Roof’s Age
Your roof, whether it is made of asphalt shingles or metal roofing panels, keeps your home dry and protected against harsh elements. However, its exposure to the weather in your local area will cause it to become damaged over time. If not addressed promptly, this may lead to issues that can deter it from performing its function and detract from your home’s overall appearance. It is for this reason that your roofing contractor needs to know the exact age of the structure. With this, they can have a better idea of the type of solution that can help address these problems.
The age of your roof influences whether it will only require simple repairs or a replacement is due. Even if the former is all it takes to solve any issues it might have, knowing how old it is will help you prepare for the latter at some point in the future. Take an asphalt shingle roof, for instance. It has a lifespan of 20 years, but sometimes it can take longer if it receives routine inspections and maintenance. Except for storm damage, an issue that starts to develop before its 15th year can be fixed with immediate repairs. However, if its age is somewhere between 80%-85% of its lifespan, you’ll need to prepare to replace it within a few years.
Factors Affecting the Roof’s Aging Process
Understanding how your roof ages can help you make informed decisions during professional roof inspections conducted by your trusted contractor. Here’s a look at the most common factors affecting how well your roof ages:
- Climate. Long-term weather exposure can lead to the roof’s eventual failure. Every year, its structural integrity is constantly tested by the elements, including heat, precipitation and wind. Asphalt shingle roofs, in particular, undergo thermal cycling when exposed to temperature fluctuations. Over time, the expansion and contraction of these materials are significant enough to cause cracks and hasten their wear and tear.
- Roof design. Low-sloped and steep-sloped roofing systems have their advantages over each other. The former, for instance, is less susceptible to collapse during windstorms than the latter. The latter, meanwhile, can shed precipitation more quickly and effectively than their counterparts.
- Installation quality. High-quality residential roofing materials are rendered useless if they aren’t installed properly. Thus, hiring a qualified roofer to perform the installation or replacement is imperative to ensure you get the most out of your investment. To be sure, you need to work with a reliable contractor that not only has the experience and skills to provide top-notch workmanship but is also certified by the top manufacturers in the industry.
- Level of maintenance. The serviceable lifespans of roofing systems can be extended beyond their average life expectancy with routine professional inspections and prompt repairs. You can minimize damage by trimming tree branches, removing debris from your roof, and keeping your gutters clog-free with the help of gutter protection systems.
- Ventilation. A well-ventilated roofing system has an adequate amount of intake and exhaust vents, both of which help in drawing fresh air into the space and pushing out the stale air. Both of these components are critical in keeping attic heat and moisture at bay and making sure the roof’s aging slows down.
How Can You Find Out the Age of Your Roof?
Knowing the age of your asphalt shingle or metal roofing system is fairly simple – you just have to do a bit of digging into information from potential sources. Here’s a look at some of them:
- Ask the previous owners. Your roofer may suggest you ask the previous owners of your home about the roof’s age. It’s highly likely that they know when the roof was first installed or replaced, especially if they’ve lived on your property for long enough.
- File a request for the building permit. A building permit is usually required for roof installations in some areas. If yours does, you can seek a copy of the permit from your local government. The permit should state the exact date the roof was installed, as well as additional information about your roof, including the maintenance logs.
- Talk to the roof replacement company. If the previous owners can’t remember when the roof was installed or replaced, they might refer you to the roofing contractor responsible for it. Fortunately, you won’t have a hard time getting the information you need because roofing firms always maintain records of all of their work. Ask for a copy of the receipt if the previous owners no longer have it.
- Check the documents pertaining to your residential property. If your home had a previous owner, you can browse through the documentation provided to you upon purchasing the property. The information concerning when the roof was completed should be found in the original roof replacement contract, a copy of the receipt, the building permit, or the transferable warranty coverage.
- Obtain an estimate. If any of these don’t tips don’t provide the answer you are looking for, you can always turn to a home inspector or a local roofer to check your roof and learn about its age. A reliable assessment from the latter, in particular, helps a lot in determining whether a roof repair or replacement is necessary. After which, they can give you an estimate of how much it will cost you to have the work done.
STARR Roofing & Gutters is your trusted expert in roof inspections, repairs and installations, as well as gutter replacement. Expect only a smooth and worry-free experience when you choose us to work on your project. As a family-owned company, we are ready to put our extensive expertise to work to help you take your roofing system to the next level. Give us a call at (512) 736-6539 or fill out our contact form to request an estimate. We proudly serve homeowners and businesses in the Highland Lakes and Texas Hill Country.