High-quality roofs offer energy savings while protecting your home from the elements. They make sure your home remains comfortable in any season. STARR Roofing & Gutters, a reliable storm damage repair company, shares how your roof can help reduce your energy consumption.
Attic insulation makes your indoor temperatures comfortable. It repels outside air and ensures less heat enters your space. This lowers your heating and cooling bills and improves your HVAC system’s lifespan and performance.
Good ventilation prevents ice dam formations during winter. It lets hot air escape from your attic and introduces fresh air from the outside. Removing hot air from the attic ensures heat won’t build up in the space and cause warm spots on your roof. That said, if you have poor roof ventilation, ask your roof maintenance contractor to design and build an efficient system.
Roof Color
The color of your shingles can cause your roof to absorb more or less heat when exposed to the sun. Dark-colored roofs absorb more heat than light colors. In warmer climates, light-colored shingles reflect sunlight and reduce heat absorption. On the other hand, dark-colored shingles are commonly used in colder regions because they absorb more heat and reduce heating consumption.
ENERGY STAR® roofing systems will help reduce your cooling and heating bills. They reflect solar energy, helping your home become more comfortable while reducing the strain on your HVAC system.
Radiant Barriers
These barriers use a special coat of paint that lowers heat gain. Radiant barriers work well with attic ventilation and insulation systems to help lower your attic and roof temperatures.
If you want to see fast energy-saving results from a new roof and gutter installation, get professional services from STARR Roofing & Gutters. Our roofers will exceed your expectations with our installation, repair and replacement services. Call (512) 736-6539 or fill out our contact form for a free quote.